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Being active on LinkedIn is crucial for professionals in today’s digital age. LinkedIn serves as a powerful platform for networking, personal branding, and career advancement. LinkedIn profile that is not updated regularly and user that is not active anyhow is ‘dead.’ Even though you are not looking for new opportunities also for example a prospect client can check your profile and can make decision based on the first impression. When one’s name is Googled, LinkedIn profile is among the first results. Even recruiter might hesitate to contact if there is no life based on LinkedIn profile. Also, it is odd if someone’s employment history differs based on information on CV compared to information on LinkedIn profile.

By engaging regularly on LinkedIn, individuals can showcase their expertise, build a strong professional network, and stay updated on industry trends and opportunities. Active participation on LinkedIn can enhance visibility, credibility, and recognition within one’s field, making it easier to connect with like-minded professionals, potential employers, and industry influencers. Furthermore, by sharing valuable content, engaging in discussions, and participating in groups on LinkedIn, individuals can position themselves as thought leaders and expand their professional reach. In a highly competitive job market, being active on LinkedIn can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and career growth that might not have been possible otherwise.

Why to comment, like and share on LinkedIn?

Engaging with content on LinkedIn by commenting, liking, and sharing posts is essential for building a strong professional presence on the platform. By actively participating in discussions and interacting with others’ posts, individuals can demonstrate their knowledge, expertise, and interest in their field. Commenting allows for meaningful exchanges with other professionals, showcasing insights and perspectives that can spark valuable conversations and connections. Liking posts is a straightforward way to show support and appreciation for others’ content, while sharing relevant posts can help disseminate valuable information across one’s network and position the individual as a source of valuable industry insights.

This does not mean that one should like, comment, and share everything but just those topics that are according to one’s strategy. That is why it is important to start by creating a strategy. Before creating a strategy the wisest thing to do is remain silent. Also depending on position or situation on job market it might sometimes be wiser not to like, comment of share anything. LinkedIn user should also think twice about participating in discussions regarding politics, religious, negativity towards employers or anything negative in general. Who would want a negative minded teammate? Too often I must see someone posting that he/she is ‘too old’ for recruiters. I wish people would see that this kind of posting really does not lead to their new employment. I am sure that the job market offers opportunities for everyone at least till they are 70 years of age, even longer. It is just individual’s not employer’s or society’s task to find the right path. For sure the path is not to follow the mainstream job market. Mainstream job ads are for employer branding and corporate image more than based on real need of workforce.

Engagement on LinkedIn not only helps individuals establish their credibility and visibility within their professional community but also increases the likelihood of their own posts being noticed and shared. By engaging with others’ content, professionals can nurture relationships, expand their network, and stay informed about industry trends and opportunities. Furthermore, active engagement on LinkedIn can lead to increased visibility in the platform’s algorithms, potentially resulting in a wider reach and greater exposure for one’s own content. Commenting, liking, and sharing on LinkedIn serve as key strategies for building a strong personal brand, fostering professional relationships, and staying relevant in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Why it is important to join groups on LinkedIn?

Joining groups on LinkedIn is a strategic move that can significantly benefit professionals in several ways. LinkedIn groups provide a valuable platform for connecting with like-minded individuals, sharing insights, and expanding one’s professional network. By joining groups relevant to their industry, interests, or career goals, individuals can engage with a larger community of professionals who share similar passions and challenges. These groups offer a space for meaningful discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities that can enrich one’s professional journey.

Participating in LinkedIn groups enables individuals to stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and job opportunities. By engaging in group discussions, sharing valuable content, and seeking advice from fellow members, professionals can enhance their industry knowledge, broaden their perspectives, and establish themselves as active contributors in their field. Additionally, LinkedIn groups serve as a platform for building relationships and forming connections with professionals beyond one’s immediate network, opening doors to new collaborations, mentorships, and career prospects.

Joining groups on LinkedIn also allows individuals to showcase their expertise, establish credibility, and position themselves as thought leaders within their niche. By actively engaging in group conversations, offering insights, and providing solutions to usual challenges, professionals can strengthen their personal brand and attract opportunities for growth and advancement. Ultimately, participating in LinkedIn groups can lead to valuable connections, enhanced visibility, and a stronger professional presence on the platform, making it a crucial tool for individuals looking to expand their network and make meaningful contributions to their industry.